
Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010

Day of death My Lovely Pet (Muraibatu)

October, 6, 2010. Is the day i never forget...
My Lovely Pets is dead, hope he will get a peace, morethan My love to him...
Innalilahi Wa Inailaihi Rojiun...

Selasa, 05 Oktober 2010

Perbedaan In, On, At

Penggunaan preposition AT

Berikut adalah beberapa penggunaan AT ketika digunakan dalam prepositional phrase, baik sebagai modifier of place, modifier of time, maupun ketika digunakan dalam ungkapan-ungkapan (expressions).

a. at + the + nama bangunan

Phrase ini digunakan untuk menyatakan general location, tetapi kurang spesifik dibandingkan dengan IN. (Lihat Penggunaan IN. a)


  1. Jane is at the bank at present.
  2. We met John at the bookstore yesterday.

b. at + alamat (rumah/kantor, dll)

Penulisan alamat umumnya diawali dengan nomor rumah/kantor, dll. kemudian diikuti oleh nama jalan, dst.


  1. Mr. Smith, our English teacher, lives at 10 Jalan Diponegoro.
  2. I once lived at 101-17 Maitland, Dundass St. Toronto.

c. at + jam


  1. The class begins at 7 a.m and ends at 9.30 a.m.
  2. I was helping my mother at 6 o’clock last night.

d. at + home/school/work


  1. Why are you still at home? Aren’t you supposed to be at school?
  2. He is usually still at work at 5 p.m.

e. at + dawn/noon/night/ midday/dusk/ night/midnight

Gunakan AT jika dikuti oleh dawn (subuh), noon atau midday (tengah hari), dusk (magrib), night (malam), midnight (tengah malam); on the other hand, gunakan IN jika diikuti oleh morning, afternoon, evening. (Lihat Penggunaan IN. c)


  1. Bats are nocturnal animals because they are active at night.
  2. We usually have lunch at noon.
  3. They are hardworking persons. They leave the house at dawn and return home at dusk.

f. at least

At least = at the minimum= sekurang-kurangnya/minimal.


  1. In order to be admitted as a student at the Canadian universities, you’re required to have a TOEFL score at least 550. (be admitted = diterima)
  2. If you want to improve your English, you will need to spend at least an hour a day to read the grammar, to look up dictionary, and to practice.

g. at once

At once = immediately = segera.


  1. Please submit your report at once.
  2. I don’t have much time to wait. Please come here at once.

Note: jika tanpa AT, ONCE dapat berarti “satu kali” dan “dulu”.

h. at + present/the moment

At present = at the moment = now= sekarang.


  1. I was reading the usage of the simple present tense this time yesterday, but at present I am reading this topic.
  2. He is on the phone at the moment.

i. at times

At times = once in a while = occasionally = sekali-sekali, kadang-kadang. Perhatikan: pada ungkapan ini, kata time selalu diimbuhi huruf s (menjadi: at times), bukan at time.


  1. At times, it is hard to understand what he says.
  2. Hey guys! Let’s get together at times. (get together = ngumpul-ngumpul).

k. at first

At first= initially = in the beginning = pada awalnya.


  1. Rini was nervous at first, but later she felt more relaxed.
  2. Even though James was not attracted to Ani at all at first, he gradually admired her inner beauty. (gradually = sedikit demi sedikit; admire = mengagumi).

Diferent between in, at, on

Penggunaan IN

a. in + the + ruangan/bangunan/container

Pada phrase seperti ini, IN = inside (di dalam), dan merupakan antonim (kebalikan) dari OUT (di luar).

Note: Tergantung konteks kalimatnya, adjective pronouns (i.e. my, his, her, their, our, your, its) juga dapat digunakan untuk menggantikan the, namun, keduanya tidak dapat digunakan secara bersamaan.

Misalnya: in the room - in his room; in the pocket – in my pocket. Tetapi INCORRECT jika: in the his room; in the my pocket, dst


  1. My classmates were in the classroom while I was lying sick in my room. (lie = terbaring; Teman-teman kelasku berada di dalam kelas sementara aku terbaring sakit di kamarku)
  2. The water in the fridge is not cold. The fridge must’ve been out of order. (fridge = refrigerator = kulkas; out of order = rusak; Air di kulkas tidak dingin. Mungkin kulkasnya telah rusak ).
  3. Don’t put your damp clothes in the drawer. (damp = lembab; drawer = laci khusus untuk pakaian; Jangan taruh pakaian lembabmu di dalam laci pakain).

Note: AT juga bisa digunakan jika kata yang mengikuti merupakan nama bangunan. Misalnya: at the bookstore, at the police station, at the university, at the restaurant, dst. Phrase ini digunakan untuk menyatakan general location, dan maknanya lebih luas (atau kurang spesifik) dibandingkan dengan IN. (Lihat Penggunaan AT. a).

b. in + wilayah (blok, RT, RW, desa, kabupaten, provinsi, kota, pulau, negara, dll.)


  1. Ahmad Fannany lives in Palembang. (Ahmad Fannany tinggal di Palembang)
  2. Most people in villages cannot access internet. (Kebanyakan orang (yang tinggal) di desa-desa tidak dapat mengakses internet).
  3. Most people in Indonesia reside in Java. (reside = live = tinggal: Kebanyakan orang di Indonesia tinggal di Jawa).
  4. Amelia and Henni are in Japan now. (Amelia dan Henni ada di Jepang sekarang).

c. in + the + morning/afternoon/evening


  1. The class begins in the morning and ends in the afternoon. (Kelas (pelajaran itu dimulai di pagi hari dan berkahir di sore hari).
  2. He left in the evening and will be back at midnight. (Dia berangkat/pergi sore hari dan akan kembali tengah malam).

Note: Gunakan AT jika diikuti oleh midnight. INCORRECT jika ditulis “in the midnight atau in midnight”. Kata-kata lain yang dapat mengikuti AT dapat dilihat pada Penggunaan AT. e.

d. in + nama bulan/tahun


  1. My birthday is in October. (Ulang tahunku adalah pada bulan Oktober)
  2. Indonesia proclaimed its independence in 1945. (Indonesia memproklamirkan kemerdekaannya pada tahun 1945).

Note: Gunakan ON jika diikuti oleh nama hari atau tanggal. (Lihat Penggunaan ON. b)

e. in + the + past/future


  1. In the past, attendance at school was not compulsory, but it is now. (Dulu, bersekolah bukan merupakan keharusan, tetapi sekarang menjadi keharusan).
  2. If the massive deforestation continues as it does today, all of the islands in Indonesia will become deserts in the future. (deforestation = penggundulan hutan; desert = gurun; Jika penebangan hutan secara besar-besaran terus berlangsung seperti yang terjadi saat ini, semua pulau di Indonesia akan menjadi gurun di masa mendatang)

f. in + the + beginning/end


  1. They didn’t know each other in the beginning, but in the end they became friends. (Mereka tidak saling mengenal/tahu pada awalnya, tetapi pada akhirnya mereka berteman).
  2. In the end of this article, you will be linked to Practice test 6. (Di bagian akhir artikel ini, kamu akan dilink (ditautkan) ke Practice test 6).

g. in the middle


  1. I am lost. I am in the middle of nowhere. (Aku tersesat. Aku tidak tahu dimana aku sekarang berada).
  2. My friends could not spot me because I was in the middle of the crowd. (spot = melihat; Teman-temanku tidak dapat melihatku karena aku berada di tengah-tengah kerumunan orang).

h. in time

In time = early enough = “beberapa saat sebelum waktu yang telah ditentukan”.

  1. Bloko had arrived 15 minutes before the meeting began. He was in time. (Bloko telah tiba 15 menit sebelum meetingnya dimulai).
  2. Which one do you prefer: being in time, on time, or late? (Yang mana yang kamu lebih suka: tiba lebih awal sedikit, tepat waktu, atau telat?).

Note: Apakah bedanya dengan ON TIME ? (Lihat Penggunaan ON. g)

i. in the street


  1. Children should not play in the street. (Anak-anak seharusnya tidak bermain di jalan).
  2. I used to play football in the street in front of my house. (Dulu, aku biasa bermain bola di jalan di depan rumahku).

Note: Gunakan ON jika diikuti oleh nama jalan. (Lihat Penggunaan ON. c )

j. in the way


  1. He could not park his car in the driveway because another car was in the way. (Dia tidak dapat memparkir mobilnya di driveway (jalur/jalan keluar-masuk mobil di rumah/kantor/banguan, etc ke jalan utama) karena ada sebuah mobil yang lain yang mengalangi jalan ke driveway tersebut).
  2. I stopped paddling my bicycle and then pushed the brake because a crowd of kittens was playing in the way. (Aku berhenti mengayuh sepedaku dan kemudian menginjak rem karena segerombolan anak kucing sedang bermain di jalan/jalur (yang aku mau lewati).

Note: Bedakan dengan on the way. (Lihat Penggunaan ON. j)

k. once in a while

Once in a while = at times =occasionally = sometimes = kadang-kadang/sekali-sekali.


  1. Once in a while, we go out for dinner. (Kadang-kadang, kami makan malam di luar (i.e di restaurant, warung, etc).
  2. Once in a while, the naughty boy behaves well. (Kadang-kadang, anak nakal itu berprilaku baik).

l. in no time at all

In no time at all = dalam waktu yang sangat singkat.


  1. Robert finished his assignment in no time at all. (Robert menyelesaikan tugas/PR-nya dalam waktu yang sangat singkat).

m. in the meantime

In the meantime = at the same time = meanwhile = sementara itu; pada saat yang bersamaan.


  1. School starts in several weeks, in the meantime, let’s have fun. (Sekolah (akan) dimulai dalam beberapa minggu, sementara belum sekolah, mari kita bersenang-senang).

n. in + the + army/air force/navy.


  1. My brother has been in the army since he graduated from senior high school. (army = angkatan darat; Kakakku telah di angkatan darat sejak dia tamat SMA).
  2. The number of females in the air force is much fewer than that of males. (air force = angkatan udara; Jumlah perempuan di angkatan udara jauh lebih sedikit dari pria).

o. in + the + ordinal number + row (pada baris ke).

Ordinal number : first, second, third, fourth,…, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, …, twenty first, twenty second, twenty third, twenty fourth, dst.


  1. You will be able to watch the performance best if you sit in the first row. (in the first row = pada baris pertama; Kamu akan dapat menonton pertunjukkan itu dengan paling baik jika kamu duduk di baris pertama).
  2. Students who sit in the first row of the classroom usually have better grades, don’t they? (Murid-murid yang duduk di baris pertama di kelas biasanya memiliki nilai yang lebih baik, bukan?)

p. in the event that (= if).


  1. In the event that you win a certain prize, you will be notified by mail. Please remember (that) we will NEVER notify you by SMS. Therefore, in the event that someone tells your winning a prize by SMS, do not bait. Otherwise, you will be fooled. (be fooled = tertipu; Jika anda memenangkan sebuah hadiah tertentu, anda akan diberitahu lewat email. Ingatlah bahwa kami tidak pernah memberitahu anda lewat SMS. Oleh karena itu, jika seseorang memberitahu anda lewat SMS, janganlah dihiraukan. Jika dihiraukan, anda akan tertipu).
  2. You should know how to perform CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), an important life saving procedure before a medical assistance arrives. You could save someone’s life in the event that he or she doesn’t breathe and his or her heart fails to beat. (Kamu seharusnya tahu bagaimana melakukan CPR (pertolongan pernafasan dari mulut ke mulut), sebuah prosedur penyelamatan (jiwa) sebelum ambulance tiba. Kamu dapat menyelamatkan jiwa seseorang jika orang itu tidak bernafas atau jika jantungnya tidak berdetak).

q. in case (if).


  1. I will give you the key to the house so you’ll have it in case I arrive a little late. (Aku akan memberimu kunci rumah agar kamu dapat menggunakannya (masuk rumah) jika aku pulang telat).
  2. Feel free to post a question in case you need further explanations (Jangan sungkan memposting pertanyaan jika kamu butuh penjelasan lebih lanjut).

r. (get) in touch with, (get) in contact with (berhubungan/berkomunikasi).


  1. It’s very difficult to get in touch with Jenny because she works all day. (Sangat sulit menghubungi Jenny karena dia bekerja seharian)
  2. The last time I got in contact with her was last January. (Terakhir kali aku berkomunikasi dengan dia adalah Januari lalu).
  3. The last time I was in touch with her was last January. (Terakhir kali aku berkomunikasi dengan dia adalah Januari lalu).

Selasa, 28 September 2010

diference between "Study" and "Learn"

In English there are two words that can be use to learn the words "learn" and "study".
Learn is a form of learning from experience life rather than from a book or text book. Learner can be translated as a learner, or people who can take the wisdom or essence of a situation, event or occurrence. learner is one who can see things that are written or unwritten (implied).
While study is the activity of learning from books or from the teachers in the classroom or at school. Student can be translated as a student, and usually see that in writing or expressly.
successful people are those who always place themselves as learners, they never stop learning from life. They maybe stop as a learners, but they still make themselves as learners.

tuesday september, 28, 2010

Today, like the day before..
Just learn a little pronoun...
  1. Kata ganti orang. Terbagi tiga dan dapat bersifat tunggal maupun jamak.
    1. Kata ganti orang pertama. Misalnya: saya, aku, kami, kita.
    2. Kata ganti orang kedua. Misalnya: engkau, kamu, kalian.
    3. Kata ganti orang ketiga. Misalnya: dia, beliau, mereka.
  2. Kata ganti pemilik. Misalnya -ku, -mu, -nya.
  3. Kata ganti penanya; berfungsi menanyakan benda, waktu, tempat, keadaan, atau jumlah. Misalnya apa, kapan, ke mana, bagaimana, berapa.
  4. Kata ganti petunjuk. Misalnya ini, itu.
  5. Kata ganti penghubung. Misalnya yang.
  6. Kata ganti tak tentu. Misalnya barang siapa.
1. personal pronoun. Devided into three and can be either singular or plural
1. First person pronoun. For Example : i, you, we, they
2. Second person pronoun. For Example : you, you, all of you
3. Third person Pronoun. For Example : he, she, they
2. Pronoun Owners. For Example : me, you, him
3. Asker Pronoun. Asked to function object, time, place, circumstance, or the number of.
Example what, when, where, how, how much.
4. Pronoun Construction. Example : this, it.
5. Connector pronoun. For example : the
6. Indefinite Pronoun. For example : whoever

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